course for TESOL English language teaching students
course for TESOL English language teaching students
This study refers to some positive and negative effects of oral assessment applied to a literature course. The experiment was conducted in a north Cyprus university English language teaching (ELT) department, during the spring semester of the 2016-2017 academic year. The data were collected from the ELT students taking the Survey to English Literature course (SELC) during the spring semester of the 2016-2017 academic year, who were asked to fill in an open ended questionnaire about the intervention, and semi structured interviews conducted with the co-examiners. In the ELT department under discussion, almost all the exams are written, and the students do not have too many opportunities to speak during the courses or during their mid-term exam. The results show the benefits and drawbacks of implementing oral examinations to assess students’ literature knowledge. course for TESOL English language teaching students
Teaching English as a foreign language (EFL) students to teach EFL is a double folded endeavor. On the one hand it aims at improving students’ level of English; on the other hand it seeks to prepare them to use modern, appropriate methods and techniques to teach it. The syllabus used by the ELT department under discussion includes a SELC, which is taught for two semesters during the second year of studies. The assessment of the course had only been done through a written format before the implementation of this intervention. The present study followed the case study procedure. Twenty students and two co-examiners were the participants in the study. The students were exposed to an intervention for six weeks, which included an oral exam assessed by two co-examiners and the researcher. Further on, the students were asked to fill in an open-ended questionnaire in which their opinions were required. The co-examiners took part in a semi-structured interview about their opinions concerning the oral exam. The data obtained was qualitatively interpreted and the results showed the effects of the intervention.
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